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Credo (Scars of the Wraiths Book 3) Page 10

  She snorted. “They’re never sappy. And when some girl has your heart, Xamien, you’ll be the sappiest of them all.”

  Fuck, it was really too bad our casual thing would be ending soon. I suspected Waleron finding out was imminent.

  “Xamien, I’m serious, you have to leave. I don’t want Waleron sensing something between us. It would….”

  “Hurt him?” I finished. “You didn’t worry about that when you were with that vampire or the Wraith Edan.”

  “That was business. This is different. You’re a Taldeburu and my friend.”

  Jasmine had done more than torture Waleron; she’d changed him into the cold, heartless bastard he was today. He’d ripped out Delara’s heart numerous times and still she protected him. He didn’t need protecting though; she did.

  I weaved into her mind and felt the war of emotions—relief to have me there, someone she trusted, worry her revenge against Tarek would be taken from her, and fear that Waleron would discover we were fucking.

  I smirked. “So I guess having sex right now is out?”

  She scrunched her nose. “Xamien.”

  But there was a slight pull at the corners of her lips and the tension in her shoulders relaxed. I could always make her smile, and that was what she needed right now.

  Waleron lived and breathed the Scars, and I respected that. He also lived and breathed this woman; a woman I’d fucked numerous times.

  This was Waleron’s territory and I was treading all over it with dirty combat boots. So leaving was exactly what I planned, but the question was whether Delara would be accompanying me or not.

  “I’ll talk to him, but I can’t force the issue.”

  “I won’t be the hunted,” she said.

  “I know.”

  “I’m staying.”

  I half grinned. “You said that.” Her revenge had been building for twenty years. It was too strong to be thwarted by me or Waleron. One way or another, Delara would find a way to face Tarek.

  “Xamien?” I waited. “Thank you. For always being there for me. If I can ever repay you—”

  “Don’t believe in that. I do whatever I want because I feel like it, not because I expect something back.”

  “I know, but if you do need me for anything, will you ask me?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Well, good night.” She turned to leave and I called, “You sure about the no-fucking rule while I’m here?”

  The door shut.

  I chuckled then picked up my book. “Guess it’s just you and me, Tom.”

  Tarek Rises in 3 hours

  I WAS COMING OUT OF the shower, towel drying my hair, when I felt the shifting of energy in the house. Only three of us were capable of Tracing: Waleron, me, and Zurina, and her aura was much lighter when entering a domain.



  I yanked my jeans on over my wet skin, threw on a tee, and headed for the door.

  “You promised we’d discuss this,” Delara shouted in the living room.

  I concealed my scent along with my heartbeat and breathing, then walked down stairs and stopped.

  Waleron and Delara stood facing one another and heated anger boiled around them.

  Her thoughts were shielded, but since we’d mindweaved, I could easily get past her safeguards and hear her words.

  God, why can’t I hate him. Give me my heart back.

  Fuck, this man was killing her. He refused to let her go and yet refused to be with her and love her.

  A constant torture, and why she fuckin’ cut. It was one thing I hadn’t been able to stop, and the reason I’d considered doing as she asked and erasing the memories of her past with Waleron.

  But the process was permanent and I’d never consider it unless it was life and death.

  Delara’s emotions were erratic and filled with so much pain. It was rare I’d interfere where I didn’t belong, and this was certainly one of those occasions. I was in Waleron’s territory and, regardless of our laws, I doubted Waleron would control his fury if I interfered. And yet I couldn’t sit back and take the wrath of another.

  Despite my casual appearance, I was merciless when it came to my enemies. My Talde often referred to me as “the calm before the storm.” Methodical and patient, and then a whirlwind of lethal ruthlessness.

  It was in my nature to be composed, a lot like my mother. That was how I became so good at my mother’s spells; by trial and error—and it was a lot of fuckin’ error.

  “Delara.” Waleron reached for her.

  “Don’t you dare.” She shoved Waleron in the chest and stepped out of his reach.

  Waleron tensed, his hands curling into fists. My eyes snapped to movement on the side of his neck. His Ink. The tattoo uncoiled and its eyes turned blood red.

  Jesus. The rumor was true. Waleron did have an Ink that moved without being called to.

  “I changed my mind. Xamien will take you to Spain. This is non-negotiable, Delara.”

  She pinched the sides of her pants, her nostrils flaring. “Changed your mind? Bullshit. You pacified me by agreeing to discuss it. Now that I’m back, you’re sending me to Spain. Just like you planned from the beginning. You lied.”

  “I couldn’t take the chance you’d vanish again.”

  I tensed, watching them and ready to drag Delara away if necessary.

  “Tarek is my responsibility. I’m not afraid of him and I want to face him.”

  She was lying; the question was, did Waleron know it. Delara was terrified to face Tarek, although she’d never admit it. Tarek had beaten her down day after day until she became a slave to him. That wouldn’t be easily forgotten when she stood face-to-face with him again.

  “Maitagarri, try to understand.” Waleron stepped close to her again and she turned her back to him.

  I was about to walk into the room when Waleron wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against his chest.

  Her hands had flown to his arms to shove them away, when he whispered something in her ear then trailed a light speckle of kisses along the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

  I clamped my jaw.

  Delara remained frozen, not reacting externally to his advances, almost as if she were fighting him without moving her limbs. Waleron must have noticed too, because he sighed then let her go. Delara couldn’t have seen it, but I did—the uncertainty as Waleron raised his hand as if to stroke the back of her head, then lowered it again, his fingers curling into a fist at his side.

  Jesus Christ, those two were fucked.

  From that slight gesture, it was clear that despite Waleron refusing to be with Delara, the Taldeburu still wanted her.

  “You will go to Spain with Xamien. End of discussion.”

  “There was no goddamn discussion,” she blurted, swinging around, but Waleron had Traced from the room. “Shit.”

  I strode toward her, unmasking my scent and heartbeat. Delara turned and I hid my smile because she looked like a peacock with its feathers ruffled.

  “Why didn’t you say something? You said you’d talk to him,” she said.

  I had already. After she’d left my room last night, I’d called Waleron. The conversation had been simple—I offered to stay in Toronto to help protect Delara. Waleron said no and hung up on me.

  “I did. He refused. He won’t even entertain the idea, Delara.”

  “You’re a Taldeburu. Trace to the Realm and tell the Wraiths.”

  “You’re part of his Talde, not mine. I can offer suggestions, but nothing more. Ultimately, you must obey him.”

  “He doesn’t own me.”

  “No. But we all have an oath to uphold and you must obey your Taldeburu whether you like it or not.” Delara had more leeway than most Scars because Waleron let her get away with shit. But he’d not be lenient about protecting her from Tarek.

  A tear escaped and slipped down her cheek. Fuck.

  I pushed off the wall and came to her, pulling her into my arms, then wipe
d the stray tear with the pad of my thumb. “He does this to protect you.”

  She lowered her head, nodding, and I put my finger under her chin and raised her head again. “Delara, you can’t fight him on this. You won’t win.”

  The floorboards creaked behind us.

  “Stealing another man’s woman, Xamien? Always the fuckin’ bastard.”

  Delara pulled away so hard and fast that her spine hit the wall. I dropped my hands to my sides and glanced at Damien, who scowled at me then at Delara.

  “Damien, it’s not what you think,” Delara said.

  But the words were hollow, and Damien was a Scar; he’d see right through it.

  “Damien. Nice to see you.” I nodded.

  Damien scoffed. “Fuck off.”

  Delara peered at Damien, mouth gaping.

  I sighed, knowing better than to try and appease Damien. He’d hate me even more when he found out I was hiding Abby in Spain.

  Waleron had been forced to lock him in the subbasement when Abby was supposed to be executed and Damien had gone insane. It had been months, but Damien still looked like he wanted to kill anyone in his path.

  Damien turned his attention to Delara. “I heard you mention Abby’s name earlier. Why? She’s been dead for months. Why were you thinking about her?”

  “Oh God.”

  “Relax. Don’t let him get to you,” I said.

  “I can’t really remember, Damien. They were just thoughts. Maybe seeing you again reminded me of her. And stay out of my head.”

  “Well done, kitten.”

  Damien scrutinized Delara for several seconds. Every muscle strained, his eyes piercing into her as if attempting to figure out if she was lying or not.

  His eyes snapped to me. “Get the hell out of my territory, Xamien. I came to this side of the world so I never had to see you, so fuck off.” He brushed past us and went out the front door.

  “Holy shit, he really doesn’t like you,” Delara said. “I didn’t even know you guys had met before.”

  That was an understatement. And my past with Damien was off limits to everyone. “Let’s eat.” I linked my hand in hers and pulled her toward the kitchen. “If I can’t eat you, then real food will have to suffice.”

  She rolled her eyes, then asked, “If I were in your Talde, would you let me confront Tarek?”

  I released her hand and pulled out a pot and frying pan from beneath the stove. “Yes, but you’re not.”

  She reached up in the cupboard and grabbed a can of tomato sauce. “So why—”

  I cut her off. “You can’t refuse him.”

  She sighed, setting the can down beside me. “I know.”

  I disagreed with Waleron’s choice, but understood why. His oaths superseded all else and his oath to protect Delara because she was a Scar took precedence over what Delara wanted or needed.

  “Don’t get me wrong.” I grabbed several spices from the spice holder magnetized to the stove hood. “I will always interfere if your life is in question.”

  She was silent a few minutes. I opened a can of tomato sauce, poured it into the frying pan, and stirred it with the wooden spoon.

  “I won’t willingly Trace with him.”

  No, she wouldn’t.

  The girl had more guts than any woman I knew, except perhaps Max. But Delara’s vulnerability was showing, and if Tarek got near her, I was afraid how that would play out.

  “I know you won’t.”

  “Do you ever lose your cool, Xamien?”

  I chuckled. “No. Not often.” I winked at her. “It’s all in the cock, babe. Have control of that and you have control of everything.”

  “Do you ever stop thinking about sex?”

  I laughed. “Rarely.”

  Tarek has Risen


  Waleron called me after dinner to tell me the Wraiths had ‘risen’ Tarek from Rest. Everyone was on alert and Waleron advised me to be ready to leave for Spain first thing in the morning.

  Then he hung up.

  I threw back the covers and got out of bed, then paced the length of my room. My eyes constantly strayed to my knife on the nightstand, making certain it was still there.

  Could I kill Tarek? I’d trained as a Scar warrior and killed countless enemies, but Tarek was different.

  I’d lived in constant fear of upsetting him, keeping quiet and unnoticed as much as possible. Then there were his threats, the way his voice deepened and I’d known I was going to be punished for something. I rarely knew what.

  That voice was so ingrained in me that I feared what I’d do if I heard it again. Would I be able to fight him?

  “Why are you awake, kitten?”

  I sat on the edge of my bed then fell back and flung my arm over my eyes. “Worried.”

  “Tarek can’t hurt you here.”

  Tarek wouldn’t be so bold as to come to the Talde house. He’d know it was under careful watch. “I know.”

  “Waleron has Damien and Ryker at your old house watching if Tarek was to go back there. Jedrik and Balen are watching the gallery, and Hack went to England to keep an eye on Tarek’s old friends. Besides, if he’s going to attack, it won’t be tonight. He is more than likely weak from Rest. But that’s not what is bothering you, is it?”

  No. It was the perfect time for me to go after him. “I should be out there too.”

  “Babe, sometimes it shows more strength to do nothing.”

  I rolled over and slid under the sheets, curling up into a ball with the pillow tucked beneath my cheek. “Thanks, Xamien.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Why are you awake?”

  Xamien’s voice held a wondrous cadence. “It’s not easy falling asleep with the woman I fuck in the next room and being unable to touch her.”

  “Xamien, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. No more arguing with Waleron, kitten.”


  My cell rang and I leaned over to look at it on my nightstand. Waleron’s name flashed across the screen.

  The familiar ache erupted in my core, accompanied by the familiar belly whoosh.

  I never knew what to expect from him. If he would kiss me or touch me, or if he’d erupt into a rage. He was unpredictable and I didn’t know how to react with him anymore.

  “I can hear the phone. Are you going to answer it?”

  “No,” I admitted. God, I wanted to hear his voice, talk to him, but all I ever got was the cold man I barely recognized.

  A stray tear escaped and slid down my cheek to leave a wet stain on my pillowcase.

  The phone stopped ringing then started up again.

  “Babe, answer him.”

  Of course Xamien knew it was Waleron calling.

  “If you don’t, he will come over here. He’ll be worried now that Tarek is free.”

  “Yeah.” And I was a prisoner to Waleron’s demands.

  I snagged the phone and pressed the green button.

  “Where are you?” he asked.

  “In bed.”

  “Is Xamien near?”

  If he only knew what was on Xamien’s mind, he wouldn’t want him near. Or maybe he would? Maybe Waleron would be happy if I were with someone like Xamien? “Yes.”

  “I’ll be there tomorrow morning before you leave for the airport. The jet is fueled and ready.”

  Of course he would be. He wanted to make certain I followed orders. “Fine.”


  I pulled the phone from my ear, ready to hang up, when he said, “Delara?”

  His breath was harsh but rhythmic as I waited for him to say something. Then his breath paused for a second and matched my own. In sync. We were always in sync.

  “You are always with me.” He didn’t wait for a response and hung up.

  I lay holding the phone, shocked at his words. Confused by them, and angry too.

  Sometimes, it felt as if a chain were latched to my ankle, keeping me anchored to Waleron. The weigh
t was so familiar now that cutting the chain would be like severing my legs. I’d hated myself. Hated who I’d become because of my love for a man who no longer wanted me.

  But when I left the Talde and him last year, I found part of myself that I’d lost and I didn’t want to lose that now that I was back.

  “Have you ever been in love, Xamien?” In all the times we’d been together, he’d never mentioned a woman who meant something to him. He talked about chicks he’d fucked, and how he never wanted a relationship, but I suspected there was a reason for that.

  “No. Infatuated maybe, and it was a long time ago.”

  “What was she like?”

  “If I ever wanted to talk about it, I would’ve by now.”

  There was a tight strain in his voice.

  “How long ago?”

  He sighed. “It was a long, long time ago when my brother and I were young and stupid.”

  “Brother? You had a brother?” How hadn’t I known that?

  “Yes, still do. Although, he doesn’t classify us as brothers anymore.”

  “I’m sorry. That must be hard.”

  “Kitten, you have no fuckin’ clue. Now go to sleep,” Xamien said.

  “Will you sing?” A few times when I’d been with Xamien, I’d woken to nightmares of Tarek or my baby being taken from me. Xamien would pull me into his lap and wrap his arms around me and quietly sing. His voice was soothing and lulled me to sleep within minutes.

  “Promise you won’t mention the girl again.”

  Wow, Xamien really didn’t like to talk about her. “Promise.”

  “Close your eyes, kitten.”

  I closed my eyes and Xamien sang.

  “JESUS, TWO DAYS IN A fuckin’ row.”

  With disheveled hair, bare feet, and a brain still in the fog of REM sleep, I jogged down the stairs to the front foyer.

  Their irascible love was going to cause them both to self destruct. The second I saw the handprint on Waleron’s face, I knew shit was out of control and I’d have to step in.

  Waleron stood motionless as he glared at Delara with his hands clenched at his sides, jaw tight, and that snake Ink slithering around his neck.

  I stopped beside Delara. “Waleron, what the—”